
Clinical Pilates and its Benefits

Pilates is a method of exercise first developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. It focuses on multiple components of fitness including core stability, strength, flexibility, posture, and breathing. Pilates is known for targeting smaller and deeper muscles through low impact exercise, which creates optimal strength through muscle balance and this is where it’s beneficial for the strength of our spine.

What is the difference between regular Gym Pilates and Clinical Pilates?

Often, gym instructors run Pilates sessions as a type of fitness class. Although beneficial in many ways, the exercises prescribed in these sessions are generalised for the group and not necessarily tailored individually. This makes it difficult for the instructor to ensure correct technique or make modifications for individuals with specific conditions or injuries.

Clinical Pilates applies the principle of Pilates in conjunction with physiotherapy to provide patient-specific treatment. Prior to participating in a class, a patient will be consulted and assessed by a physiotherapist, who will evaluate the individual’s specific needs and tailor the exercises based on their condition/injury and treatment goals. After commencing Clinical Pilates, there will be regular monitoring during each session to ensure correct technique and use of equipment.

Who can do Clinical Pilates?

Clinical Pilates is suitable for everyone, including children, elderly individuals, pregnant women and individuals with chronic conditions. It can also be tailored to a spectrum of fitness goals and abilities. Those with no injury or condition are also welcome to attend as many individuals enjoy the personalised approach and prefer to perform exercises under direct supervision.

People who would Benefit from Clinical Pilates

  • Neck or shoulder pain
  • Back pain
  • Pelvic or hip pain
  • Pre- and post-natal
  • Postural or flexibility issues
  • General conditioning

Some Benefits of Clinical Pilates

  • Improved posture, balance, and core stability
  • Improved pain
  • Increased muscular strength and flexibility
  • Increased coordination and muscular control
  • Enhanced breathing control
  • Preventing injury and aiding rehabilitation 

At The Sherwood Clinic we value Clinical Pilates as an integral part of our services.

Following  a successful physiotherapeutic management of your back or neck pain, we offer onsite further rehabilitation in the form of Clinical Pilates at both our Harrow and Edgware Clinics. We offer focused sessions in small groups or one to one session.

Get in touch by emailing us on or call on 0208 869 0000 to find out more about our Clinical Pilates Classes.

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