About Us

Sherwood Āyurveda is founded by Sushma Shethna. Sushma is a fully qualified Āyurveda practitioner and a member of Āyurveda Practitioners’ Association (MAPA).

About UsA lifelong interest and passion for Āyurveda and Indian philosophy led Sushma to study Āyurveda formally. Having worked at the NHS and private hospitals in the UK for many years as a specialist physiotherapist, Sushma is Physiotherapy Consultant at The Sherwood Clinic. She has a wealth of experience in healthcare, particularly in acute and chronic pain management and rehabilitation of patients with musculoskeletal, heart, respiratory and neurological problems. Sushma has obtained a Masters in Āyurvedic Medicine at the Middlesex University, London. She devoted a great deal of her time studying Āyurveda practice in Hospitals in Karnataka & Mumbai (India).

Using Āyurvedic diagnosis and Therapies , Sushma successfully treats and helps clients with conditions such as joint and muscle pains and arthritis, nerve palsy , stroke and Parkinson’s disease, hay fever and sinusitis, women’s health issues such as PMT, dysmenorrhea, fertility & menopause, weight management, digestive disorders, migraines and sinusitis, depression and many more. The intervention will include diet and lifestyle plan, recommendations on herbs and spices, and Āyurvedic therapies. Specific exercises/postures including Yoga, breathing techniques for relaxation and well being, including Yogic breathing (Pranayama) may also be included.

Sushma truly believes in the holistic approach of care with expertise in tailoring the health solutions based on a thorough consultation and assessment. Sushma’s cohesive knowledge and experience of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, Āyurveda and Yoga provide unique integrative solutions for wide ranging health issues.

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