

“The Sherwood Clinic based in London provides Ayurvedic consultations and offers natural, herbal treatments. With her extensive experience in physiotherapy, women’s health, and rehabilitation, Sushma Shethna, our Ayurvedic Consultant will provide you with a holistic therapy management plan to optimize your health.”

Welcome to Sherwood Ayurveda London, the home of Integrative Medicine.

Set upon the ethos of integrating the profound Āyurvedic fundamentals and methodologies with the best of the contemporary medical knowledge, Sherwood Ayurveda London offers expertise to achieve optimal health accessible for everyone.

“Sherwood Āyurveda” is a unique Ayurveda practice in London, where healing and rehabilitation are closely linked. Whether you are suffering from a health issue requiring professional help or you have had a surgery or an illness requiring a holistic rehabilitative approach, or if you simply wish to boost your energy levels and optimize your lifestyle, with our expertise we would be able to help!

At Sherwood Āyurveda London, we provide a genuine Ayurveda consultation with an in-depth assessment of your health. This includes medical history, diet and lifestyle, Ayurvedic pulse and tongue diagnosis, as well as interpretations of your medical tests, investigations, and medical diagnosis. Following the consultation, based on your constitution, a clear plan outlining the changes required in your diet, lifestyle, and /or prescription of herbs will be provided. Specific yoga exercises, breathing, and relaxation techniques may be incorporated. The goal is to reduce the toxin build-up, improve calm, and enhance energy. One of the Ayurveda therapies provided on-site may be recommended.

Sherwood Ayurveda London offers Ayurvedic purification therapies for removing accumulated toxins and waste products in the body. Stressful lifestyle including excessive work-related activity/exercise, irregular eating habits, erratic behavior, sudden weather changes all contributes to imbalanced doshas ( energies) in our body. With the Ayurveda therapies, the metabolism is improved, the energies are balanced, and the sense organs are cleansed and purified. Our Ayurveda consultant will guide you on the use of appropriate herbs and lifestyle. Overall, both purification and toning of the immune system would be achieved.

Sherwood Āyurveda offers fully equipped therapy rooms with changing and shower facilities. We have Yoga and exercise studio where under the expert guidance of our highly experienced clinicians you will be able to practice yoga postures, exercises, and breathing techniques. Our friendly professional team will be able to help and guide you at every stage of your therapy.

Appointments can be made by calling Sherwood Āyurveda London on 0208 869 0000.

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