Exercise Classes in Harrow

Exercise and Fitness Classes in Harrow

“Sherwood Therapy is a Harrow based exercise and fitness center for people with health issues ranging from teenagers to adults. Get training from the experts to increase your fitness and strength. The Sherwood Clinic in Harrow is renowned for its exercise classes for all groups.”

Physical activity and exercise are beneficial to all. If you consider yourself “healthy”, then to maintain your healthy state regular exercise is essential. If you have “health problems” such as joint and muscle pain, back or neck pain, or you suffer from arthritis or such disorder, exercise becomes even more important in order to maintain your mobility and prevent deterioration. If you suffer from conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol or are overweight, your risk of developing a heart problem increases.

For many years scientists have known the positive effects of exercise on the human body and mind. Regular exercise helps to improve our stamina that is the ability to sustain a task for a period of time without getting tired. Exercise helps to lose weight, improves the cholesterol balance in our body, and also helps to control diabetes and blood pressure. It is a great mood enhancer!

Today, there are gyms available round the corner to exercise. However, the problem is, how do you feel about exercising in a gym particularly when you have a health problem such as knee or hip arthritis or if you suffer from a bad back? How do you know which exercises would be safe and which ones to avoid? How can you ensure that exercising on a particular machine or equipment will not aggravate your health condition?

The Sherwood Clinic in Harrow is renowned for its exercise classes for special groups. All classes are tailored to suit your individual health needs. We specialize in prescribing exercises that would take into account any specific health issues and still achieve your goal (improve fitness, stamina, core muscle strength, flexibility). The classes are small and are carried out under the guidance/supervision of a chartered specialist physiotherapist/qualified instructor. It is possible to attend sessions individually. Exercise classes at our Harrow clinic are highly regarded for individual attention, for the clinic ambiance and positive approach of our staff towards health gain!

Our specialist exercise classes include “Heartsmart” – classes for people who have had heart conditions such as heart attack, angioplasty, bypass surgery, or a valve repair. We provide in-depth cardiac rehabilitation assessment and 1:1 sessions at a very affordable price.

The other Exercise class in our Harrow clinic is “Healthwise” aimed for older adults with health problems like diabetes, blood pressure, osteoporosis, and arthritis. 1 session per week on a 10-week program towards achieving mobility, strength, and stamina.

We also run Exercise on referral scheme for Harrow. Please enquire at the reception for further information.

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