Cardiac Rehabilitation

Heart Smart (Cardiac Rehabilitation)

Rehabilitation for patients with heart conditions is a service provided exclusively at The Sherwood Clinic.

Our Cardiac rehabilitation program HEART SMART is recognized by BHF/NACR.

Doctor checkup

80-90% of people suffering from Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) have one or more major risk factors influenced by lifestyle. Lack of physical activity, obesity, smoking, diabetes, and high blood pressure are among the major risk factors for CHD.

Many people find making significant lifestyle changes can be difficult. For example, people may be addicted to nicotine; and if someone recently been admitted to the hospital with CHD need to increase the amount of physical activity they undertake regularly, not only do they need to be well motivated but they and their families need to be confident that the exercise is safe.

Cardiac rehabilitation can promote recovery, enable patients to achieve and maintain better health, and most importantly reduce the risk of death in people who have heart disease. Cardiac rehabilitation also reduces the risk of hospital admissions at least in the first 12 months following a heart event.

(Heran BS, et al. Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation for CHD. Cochrane Reviews, 2011, Issue 7).

Exercise training Workout program under doctor guidance Routine checkup

At The Sherwood Clinic, based on the assessment of your heart health, individualized and/or small group exercise programs, dietary and nutrition plans, specific treatment for smoking cessation, and counseling is provided.

Some of the heart conditions we provide rehabilitation for are as below:

 Heart attack
 Bypass Surgery (CABG)
 Angioplasty & Stent
 Valve repair/replacement

For more information about our heart rehabilitation services contact our reception on 0208 869 0000).

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