Podiatry / Chiropody

What is podiatry?

Podiatrists are independent health professionals qualified to deal with the assessment, diagnosis & treatment of the lower limbs & feet. A podiatrist provides medical service for the feet & foot-related conditions. It involves preventative, palliative & corrective methods & includes medical, surgical & orthotics & manipulative methods. A podiatrist has skills in general foot treatments but may have developed particular specialisms in nail surgery, biomechanical assessments & diabetic foot assessments.


What is the difference between a Chiropodist & a  Podiatrist?

There is no difference between the chiropodist & a podiatrist. Both terms refer to practitioners who specialize in the diagnosis & treatment of foot conditions. Chiropody/ Chiropodist were the titles that have been used mainly in the UK while Podiatry/ Podiatrist is used in the rest of the English speaking world. Increasingly, the term podiatrist is being used in Britain.

Here at Sherwood in harrow, we have a team of fully qualified & experienced podiatrists who specialize in all aspects of podiatry, treating a variety of issues affecting the foot and leg, from professional athletes to small children.  Our Clinic is specifically equipped to diagnose and treat all foot and lower leg needs.  Our Podiatrists are trained to diagnose and treat problems of the toes and nails, heels, ankles, and knees Treatments include:

  • Corns & Callus
  • Verruca
  • Ingrown toenails/ nail surgery
  • Nail & skin infections (athlete’s foot)
  • Diabetic foot assessments
  • Foot health education & footwear advice
  • Flat feet, heel pain (biomechanical assessments)
  • Orthotics/arch support devices
  • Sports injuries
  • Children’s feet problems

If you are worried about your feet, don’t delay; make an appointment with a Podiatrist at The Sherwood Clinic. For an initial consultation please contact reception on 0208 869 0000 for an appointment.

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